I have been designing web sites since 1997
My name is Pat Kapell. I freelance as a nationwide independent and certified web designer and developer. I have a proven record of satisfied clients and will provide references upon request. A lot of my work is referrals from previous clients. I am reliable, dependable, fair, and on time.
Personal Service
I provide very personal service, I will listen carefully to your needs, and make recommendations based on your requirements and budget. After your project is complete I will continue to provide ongoing personal attention, whether it’s questions or updating your site.
Always Accessible
I am very accessible to my clients. I do not freelance part time while holding down a “fulltime” job. Web site design is my “fulltime” job. You will very rarely get the “leave a message” recording when you call because I am available at least 98% of the time, weekdays, weekends and evenings and I will normally respond to email within hours or less. You will never be left hanging during a project.
Professional Experience
Representative Freelance Clients, list of clients
Guiver Consulting Inc., an internet marketing firm, web design specialist.
Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts, UC Davis Marketing Department web designer / programmer.
Mattel, Inc., local division intranet web designer.
CIW Master Designer Web Site Design
I-Net + Certified Networking Technologies
A+ Certified Computer Technician
What my clients are saying
“I have had so many compliments on my web pages….you really did a great job!”
“You are incredible! Everything looks wonderful and I see no changes. Lets do it! I know that you had other plans for the weekend and I ruined it for you. I owe you big time!”
Dr. Bruce Ford,
Foot Surgery Associates
“We’re quite pleased with it (web site) and have received many compliments.”
Deb Brown,
Law Offices of Bailey and Brown